Online Photography Resources

JZ and I have a tendency to really plunge into things, which usually involves researching them to death in a maniacal, rapid fire consumption of information. To an outsider, it might look like we are “going through a phase” or obsessing about a recent hobby, but really it is a symptom of an insatiable thirst for knowledge. When a subject captures our interest, we NEED to know everything possible, and we also need to know now, as quickly as possible.

This situation makes normal social interactions nearly impossible for us because despite the knowing the appropriate behavior, we obsess incessantly about whatever it may be that captured our attention so completely. It makes it difficult to talk about any other topic, much less pretend to care about the interests of others. As much as we love food, and sharing local restaurants, I don’t know that either of us could summon up the words to provide a decent review right now. We are so lost in recalling the things we learned, and trying to implement our knowledge into the everyday. When we find ourselves both in this place on the same interest, it becomes a perpetual cycle of sharing internet research and endless discussions on how to improve and better integrate our new discoveries into our life. Our love for each other grew out of this passion for knowledge and understanding.

We met last year in Best Buy at the beginning of what I will refer to as overlapping “basic photography research modes”, which made the long weekend photo walks and evening editing sessions that much more justifiable. Beginning with DSLR and photography basics, we went from auto to semi-auto to manual, before transitioning into a triathlon training mode.  After finishing the White Lake Half-ironman, we went full-tilt, learning how to plan a wedding that would be the perfect reflection of our style. While throughout these other pursuits we never put down the cameras, we currently find ourselves obsessed with a mix of advanced architecture/travel/real estate/product photography techniques. Fortunately, some recent events present opportunities that merit leveling up our photography skills, so we are not crazy without an outlet.

Living EZ’s Favorite Online Photography Resources

Right now JZ and I live in a world of lighting, Aperture, f-stops, and Photoshop so our alternate posts for today are lackluster. In lieu of an uninspired post, we want to share with you a few of our favorite photography websites and articles from our most recent round of research.

  • The Polar Route – This travel photography blog is full of helpful tips for the “intermediate beginner”  such as this post on understanding light.
  • Ken Rockwell – JZ likens this site to a “brain dump” of K. Rockwell’s years of experience and knowledge as a photographer.
  • Houzz – While this site highlights homes and interior design, it also has a rather robust section on home photography. I learned a lot from the article on home lighting.
  • Fstoppers – I discovered this site today, and subsequently devoured about 5 months of their posts. As JZ just exclaimed “this is my new crack!”. I have to highlight these dolphin photos, because I have never seen anything quite like them.

What photography resource, site, or training are you in love with?

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