An Introduction

While most sections of Living EZ require no introduction, I feel the need to introduce this series of posts, to include a caveat of sorts. The Love series is incredibly personal, and the decision to publish this on the internet was something that John and I talked about at length. The tricky part about sharing this piece of our lives is that it affected so many other people. In a lot of ways, it is not solely our story to share. Many people were profoundly affected by our decision to be together, our friends, families, and maybe most significantly, our previous significant others. Out of consideration for them, some details will be slightly altered for preservation of their anonymity.

Our beautiful story was a part of our real life; and therefore it was not without pain and heartache. Some of the most important people in my life were hurt by my actions and decisions. I don’t want it to seem like I am writing this to gloat or revel in the love and laughter I experience everyday, but it is ultimately to reflect on God’s hand in my life.

Even people who may not share our faith, tend to share our belief that forces outside of human control led us to each other.  Some prefer to call it fate or the universe, but we recognize the presence of God in the construction of  two people so perfectly matched.  We firmly believe that through God’s grace we found each other, and it is this same grace that we hope is present in these pages.

In the end, it is the happiest story either of us will ever know, and one that we pray never ends. Our goal is to provide an honest recreation of the events that bound us together, including a few moments we are not proud of, a few that were particularly painful, and so many that were imperfectly wonderful and full of happiness.

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